Sunday, August 14, 2011

Campania - Our view as we drove home from Naples

The beautiful countryside we have to our right as we drive back up towards Nettuno. Not all of the views are this beautiful but this definitely improves the mood as we make our way home. The interesting pine trees that are so different from the ones up North and the mountains with the setting sun upon them. Beautiful!
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Saturday, August 13, 2011

Weekend bliss/home leave reflections

Life, quiet, watching food network on AFN, things to do but nothing too urgent, enjoying being home. Loving cross stitching again after a long break from anything crafty. Decided that the happiness Mike gets from golf is equal to the happiness I feel while stitching or doing anything crafty. Settling back into our home life vs. the frenetic activity of home leave. It's always great to visit the States and experience/eat everything we don't have at our fingertips in Europe. We love seeing family and friends and miss them when we return to Italy (or where ever it is that we are living at the time). This was our 5th home leave and we get smarter each time in planning for and living through, even to the returning with not too much stuff bought that it doesn't fit in the luggage we already brought.  Bittersweet when leaving Kristen behind in Pennsylvania. It was really hard this time and I guess it's going to continue to be difficult every time we part. Our family is like many other career military/federal families that our family is very close knit since we are all that we have consistently to depend upon. Extended family members are in one place all their lives and we are the moving pieces that live a new adventure each place we are posted. Looking forward to Skyping soon with Kristen. More posts to come complete with pictures from our trip! Stay tuned....