Sunday, September 20, 2015

Sunday Morning Thoughts

Good morning! It's a beautiful sunny Sunday morning in Belgium. The geese were flying over our home this morning and Butch barked to let them know he was watching them. Without a doubt he has a bit of hunter in him. The carillon just finished playing outside my window and it is back to the quiet that is the norm here on the grounds of an American cemetery and memorial. Around the outside of the cemetery proper it looks a lot like this picture I've shared. We are surrounded by woods and nature and it is a peaceful place to think about life and family and so many things. 

When you think about what is happening in the world right now with those who are fleeing horrible conditions in their countries and others who are attacking those who are trying to protect us, it is hard to imagine when living at a place so peaceful. However, all I have to do is open up any of the news websites and I am quickly reminded. We need to continue to pray for our world leaders, pray for those who are suffering and in pain and for those who continue to place their own safety aside to protect and defend. So today, wherever you may be, take a moment and join me in prayer.  Amen.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Seasons in our lives

As we travel through life, we have different purposes we need to pursue. It's really interesting to read back through my posts to see the many twists and turns my life has taken in such a short period of time.  I just reread my post about feeling anonymous. That was a chapter of my life when living in Italy after having a full and busy life in the Netherlands.

Now, we are living back in Belgium in the Ardennes area and my time is taken up with driving to and from the Netherlands during the week for school and work. I also jumped back into PWOC, volunteering, substitute teaching and then the perfect job for me right now at the base education center. I'm no longer anonymous! However, I am happily transitioning to a quieter time of less or no volunteering after two years as our middle/high school PTA president and also no position on the PWOC board so that I can focus on our family and take a slower approach to life while still driving 500 miles a week!

After spending a month back in the States in Florida, Pennsylvania and a quick run over to Indiana, I treasure a simpler schedule and time to think about what's important in life -- faith, family, friends and enjoying what gifts God has provided us in our lives.

My newest chapter (as soon as I close the one on PTA) is going to include sharing more bits and pieces of life here in Europe. I'm fortunate to have found the Clumsy Bloggers Workshop to learn more about blogging to make it more interesting and readable to others who will find my posts. My cousin, Joyce, thinks I should write a book about our life and adventures. This is the first step! We'll see where it takes me!  Here is the view from our cabana in Florida this Summer. It was a slice of life when we were with good friends and taking the time to just enjoy our moment in the sun!  Meanwhile bon voyage to you in all of your lives and adventures!